Differential Manifestations of Resilience in Brazilian University Professors in the Health Area


  • Maria Regina Teixeira Ferreira Capelo
  • Christina César Praça Brasil
  • António José de Olim Marote Quintal
  • Noémi Serrano-Díaz
  • Raimunda Magalhães Silva
  • Elci Alcione Almeida Santos
  • Mirna Albuquerque Frota


differential manifestations of resilience, dimensiones of resilience, resilience, university teachers


Human resilience can be understood as resilience, positive adaptation and overcoming hostile, adverse and/or traumatic situations. This competence is increasingly required of university teachers who are faced with challenges of great magnitude in the workplace. The present study seeks to assess differential manifestations of the resilience of Brazilian university professors. 189 university professors from a private health university in Ceará, Brazil, who answered the Wagnild and Young resilience questionnaire, participated in this research. Results indicate gender differences in assessing self-esteem and personal competence in favor of women; differences in age and seniority indicate that teachers aged fifty-six and over and with eleven or more years of teaching service have higher levels of self-esteem and acceptance of life than younger professors and less experienced; differences in training favor postdoctoral teachers. The results are relevant to the knowledge of this professional group and may contribute to the design of a future cognitive and behavioral training program aimed at promoting resilience in university teachers.







How to Cite

Ferreira Capelo, M. R. T., Brasil, C. C. P., Marote Quintal, A. J. de O., Serrano-Díaz, N., Silva, R. M., Santos, E. A. A., & Frota, M. A. (2022). Differential Manifestations of Resilience in Brazilian University Professors in the Health Area. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(4). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/4933