A new approach for compounding system integration risks with system maturity: A supporting methodology in the selection of candidate architectures for a system


  • Hadler Egydio da Silva
  • Leonel Fernando Perondi


Architecture Selection, Risk Assessment, SRL, RWIRL, RWSRL


Integrating a space system is an iterative process aimed at assembling the system according to user requirements and demonstrating through tests that the system is apt to operate in the target environment. The integration effort varies from system to system, and there is no standard methodology for its accomplishment. Researchers have proposed different approaches and metrics to estimate the effort associated with integrating a system. Sauser introduced the concept of an integration readiness level metric (IRL) for a system as a maturity assessment of the integration effort. This methodology parallels the technology readiness level (TRL) introduced by NASA in the 80s to assess the maturity of new technologies in a space system. The authors propose a methodology for the risk assessment of a system’s internal interfaces that translates and quantifies the perception of work teams about the challenges involved in the integration of a system. It consists of a structured survey of specialized opinion among project technical personnel to capture relevant technical and programmatic risks related to integrating system elements. The framework is designed to support the processes associated with choosing a system architecture. Although proposed for application in the early phases of the life cycle of a space system project, there are no restrictions on its application to different projects and life cycle stages. Applications include ranking systems components and interfaces according to readiness level and integration risks, supporting risk management in conventional risk management processes and supporting risk-informed decision-making processes to select system architectures.







How to Cite

Silva, H. E. da, & Perondi, L. F. (2022). A new approach for compounding system integration risks with system maturity: A supporting methodology in the selection of candidate architectures for a system. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(5). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/4976