Governance, Sustainability and Collaboration Analysis Model


  • Carlos Honorato Schuch Santos
  • Cláudia Brazil Marques
  • Ricardo Garcia Letizia
  • Fabrício Moraes de Almeida
  • Carlos Alberto Paraguassú-Chaves
  • Carla Dolezel Trindade
  • Simão Aznar Filho
  • Ruy Drummont Smith
  • Simão Dolezel Aznar
  • Marcélio Rodrigues Uchôa
  • David Lopes Maciel
  • Márcia Maria Rodrigues Uchôa
  • Reinaldo Rosa dos Santos


public management, legitimacy, systemic, structure, collaborative


The public management and its organizational structure underwent, throughout the 20th century, different changes in its architecture, due to the strong influences of the different ideological currents that followed one another over the years. The objective of the study is to theoretically build arguments that show the relationship between collaboration and sustainability in public management and governance as an interlocutor between public systems, the private sector and society. The methodology was a systemic analysis of a qualitative approach using systemic models to understand the evolutionary or retrograde movements of the economic man. It concluded that public management focused on sustainability is a management process with strategic characteristics in the sense of reconfiguring the culture and knowledge of society, soon reaching public bureaucracy, politics and the regional governance initiatives.







How to Cite

Santos, C. H. S., Marques, C. B., Letizia, R. G., Almeida, F. M. de, Paraguassú-Chaves, C. A., Trindade, C. D., Filho, S. A., Smith, R. D., Aznar, S. D., Uchôa, M. R., Maciel, D. L., Uchôa, M. M. R., & Santos, R. R. dos. (2022). Governance, Sustainability and Collaboration Analysis Model. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(5).