Performance Analysis of a 3.2 kWp Photovoltaic System with Microinverter for Distributed Generation


  • Raylla Silveira Souto
  • Lya Serpa Claudio dos Santos
  • Elissandro Monteiro do Sacramento
  • Lutero Carmo de Lima


Distributed Generation, Microinverter, Performance Analysis, Photovoltaic Solar System


Faced with the increase in electricity consumption and in the tariffs of the kWh consumed, as well as the insertion of renewable sources in the world energy matrix, several countries seek to encourage industrial, commercial and residential consumers to invest in distributed generation systems. In Brazil, ANEEL Resolution No. 482 of 2012 and later updated by No. 687 of 2015, aims to establish distributed mini and microgeneration from renewable sources such as photovoltaic solar energy. Distributed generation is advantageous both for local utilities, as it provides a reduction in grid loading, minimization of losses and diversification of the national energy matrix, among others, and for the consumer who, through the provided compensation system, will be able to inject the surplus energy generated into the electricity grid of the local energy concessionaire and, with that, it will earn a bonus on your electricity bill at the end of the month. Considering that Brazil is mostly located in the intertropical region, for exemple, the Northeast region, where the sun is present most of the year. Thus, this study aims to present an evaluation of the local solar resource and the performance indexes related to a photovoltaic system connected to the 3.2 kWp grid with microinverter in a low voltage residence in Fortaleza-CE.







How to Cite

Souto, R. S., Santos, L. S. C. dos, Sacramento, E. M. do, & Lima, L. C. de. (2022). Performance Analysis of a 3.2 kWp Photovoltaic System with Microinverter for Distributed Generation. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(5).