Professional Integration between Public Health and Social Assistance Systems: Challenges and Possibilities


  • Adriana Lima dos Santos
  • Lucia Marisy Souza Ribeirode Oliveira


intersectoriality, social assistance, professional intervention, public health systems


In Brazil, social public policies were inscribed in the Federal Constitution of 1988, under the aegis of social rights. Because they are of universal and egalitarian scope, they provide the exercise of citizenship to Brazilians and, in this context, are the Unified Health System (SUS) and the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS). This study aims to understand the inter-professional integration between these two public policies, whose qualitative approach took the Municipal Health and Social Assistance Departments of the municipality of Senhor do Bonfim - Bahia as the locus of research. The results point to the obstacles that health professionals face in the municipality to provide quality care to the population, however, there is an understanding on their part of the importance of improving the management of these public policies, from the perspective of intersectoriality and integrality of care. and social protection to the population that uses these services.







How to Cite

Santos, A. L. dos, & Ribeirode Oliveira, L. M. S. (2022). Professional Integration between Public Health and Social Assistance Systems: Challenges and Possibilities. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(5).