Microbiological diversity aspects and hygienic-sanitary conditions of mussels sold in the Municipal market in the municipality of Belém do Pará


  • Sianny Vanessa da Silva Freitas
  • Vitória Raposo Ribeiro
  • José Ledamir Sindeaux Neto
  • Raquel Soares Casaes Nunes


current legislation, mussels, microbiological standards


Foodborne Diseases are caused by the ingestion of food that is unsafe for consumption, occurring at any stage in the production chain or even in the preparation phase of the final product at the consumer's home. . A mussel marketing product in the State of Pará has an implementation and functioning to obtain this quality and insurance for public health. In order to identify the presence of Escherichia coli and coliforms for mussel mussels in natura in the Ver-o-Peso Belém do Pará market, microbiological examinations of the mexiethylene Kit Aquatest coli, and eosin blue culture medium were performed. The results show 100% of the samples confirms the presence of total coliforms and 90% of sample presence of E.coli, then the counts obtained results greater than > 100 CFU/ml. It is stated tat least 90% are outsideof the standards established by current legislation. The microbiological food standards of RDC 331 are indicated,In stages, microbiological food standards are indicated that are taken into account within the current legislation with a purpose of handling.







How to Cite

Freitas, S. V. da S., Ribeiro, V. R., Neto, J. L. S., & Nunes, R. S. C. (2022). Microbiological diversity aspects and hygienic-sanitary conditions of mussels sold in the Municipal market in the municipality of Belém do Pará. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(6). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/5079