Management of occupational safety and health (OSH) in university chemical laboratories: A case study at a University Federal Public service in the interior of Paraná - Brazil


  • Marla Corso
  • Flávia Aparecida Reitz Cardoso
  • Polyana Ribeiro de Andrade
  • Luciana Cristina Soto Herek Rezende
  • Rodolfo Marques Sastre


Management, OSH, university, chemical laboratories


The risks associated with academic research are often much lower than those in large-scale process industry operations. While inventories of hazardous materials are lower in the university environment and the number of hazards may be lower, factors such as chemicals used in laboratories and the proximity of researchers to their equipment can equate to a high individual risk for laboratory users. The number of reported laboratory accidents resulting in fatalities, serious injuries, and financial loss demonstrates a need for better risk management practices in academic teaching and experimental research laboratories. Academic and research labs at universities contain various risks, and the associated risks can be significant if not appropriately managed. The misperception that university labs are low risk is partly due to a lack of awareness of the hazards. This paper discusses an approach to applying health and safety practices to chemistry laboratories at a federal university in the interior of Paraná and discusses selected challenges and suggested solutions.







How to Cite

Corso, M., Cardoso, F. A. R., Andrade, P. R. de, Herek Rezende, L. C. S., & Sastre, R. M. (2022). Management of occupational safety and health (OSH) in university chemical laboratories: A case study at a University Federal Public service in the interior of Paraná - Brazil. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(6).