Astronomy as a Tool for Learning the laws of Physics: Theory of Conceptual fields by Vergnaud


  • Jorge Emanuel de Oliveira Irineu
  • Artur Justiniano Roberto Junior
  • Antonio José Silva Oliveira
  • Clóvis Bôsco Mendonça Oliveira


Astronomy, Conceptual Fields, Education, Physics, Investigative Teaching Sequence


This work aims to present the results of the analysis of astronomy as a tool for learning the laws of physics in high school in Brazil, in the light of the Theory of Conceptual Fields (TCC)", by Gérard Vergnaud (1990), as an instrument for the planning together with the methodology of the Investigative Teaching Sequence (SEI). The present work is characterized as qualitative research and presents a new perspective on studies in this area, by enabling the configuration of new pedagogical practices, capable of bringing scientific knowledge closer to students. In the work, celestial maps were made from the location of the city of São Luís – Ma, Brazil. It was found that the use of Carta Celeste as a pedagogical tool improved the students' relationship with Exact Sciences, from the moment in which the theoretical knowledge obtained in the classroom was contextualized with field observations.







How to Cite

Oliveira Irineu, J. E. de, Roberto Junior, A. J., Oliveira, A. J. S., & Oliveira, C. B. M. (2022). Astronomy as a Tool for Learning the laws of Physics: Theory of Conceptual fields by Vergnaud. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(7).