Urban Solid Waste in Brazil: Concept, Characterization and Regulation


  • Veridiana Torres da Silva
  • Antônio Roberto Xavier
  • Andrea Yumi Sugishita Kanikadan
  • Aiala Vieira Amorim
  • Olienaide Ribeiro de Oliveira Pinto
  • Rosalina Semedo de Andrade Tavares
  • Karla Renata de Aguiar Muniz
  • Michella Rita Santos Fonseca
  • Maria Vandia Guedes Lima
  • Marcus Rodney Portela Cysne
  • Juliana Fernandes da Silva Queiroz
  • Antonio Leonardo Moreira de Aquino
  • Júlio César Lopes de Oliveira


Sleep Initiation, Maintenance Disorders, SARS-CoV-2, Student Health


The study's main objective was to discuss the concept, characterization and other norms that govern and regulate Urban Solid Waste in Brazil. Methodologically, this is a theoretical-empirical study by means of a bibliographical procedural method, exploratory as to the objectives and of a basic nature with a qualitative approach. As for data collection techniques, research was carried out in secondary sources such as books, scientific articles, legislation, guidelines, and norms that define and regulate solid urban waste in Brazil. As for the analysis techniques, we used content analysis and narrative socio-historical contextual discourse. As conclusive results, the study allowed us to verify that two needs to be fulfilled by the public power and Brazilian society are evident: a) the fulfillment of the norms, legislation, and guidelines in relation to Urban Solid Waste, and 2) the putting into practice of a public policy of integrating and integrating environmental awareness that is efficient, effective and disseminated within society on a national, regional and local level.







How to Cite

Silva, V. T. da, Xavier, A. R., Kanikadan, A. Y. S., Amorim, A. V., Oliveira Pinto, O. R. de, Andrade Tavares, R. S. de, Aguiar Muniz, K. R. de, Fonseca, M. R. S., Lima, M. V. G., Cysne, M. R. P., Silva Queiroz, J. F. da, Moreira de Aquino, A. L., & de Oliveira, J. C. L. (2022). Urban Solid Waste in Brazil: Concept, Characterization and Regulation. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(7). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/5184