The Blending of Architectural Context and Clothing Art in Set of Etiquette System


  • Yu Yao
  • Yuye Lu


Clothes, Accessories, Architecture, Set of etiquette, Art


The culture of the Confucian "set of etiquette" has always had an impact on the development of Chinese traditional art. All dynasties placed a high value on the hierarchy of superiority and inferiority, which is reflected in ancient architectural and clothing art. Ancient architectural art and ancient clothing art are two distinct art forms, but they share some similarities in terms of design thought and layout structure. Architectural art and clothing art share artistic characteristics of the times, especially when influenced by the architectural context and set of etiquette. It also strictly adheres to the order of hierarchy in the standardization of art. The roof level of buildings and the crown shape of clothing are not only complementary, but also suggest people's reverence for heaven and earth. Architecture and clothing have evolved in tandem over the course of history.







How to Cite

Yao, Y., & Lu, Y. (2022). The Blending of Architectural Context and Clothing Art in Set of Etiquette System. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(7).