New Educational Technologies Available on the Internet as Pedagogical Support in Contingent Remote Learning


  • José Evandro da Silva Figuerêdo
  • Francisca Laudeci Martins Souza
  • Maria Erilúcia Cruz Macedo


Pandemic, Education, Remote Teaching, Technologies


Due to the spread of the new coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2), in mid-2020, face-to-face activities in educational institutions around the world were immediately suspended as a way to maintain social distance and prevent the spread of the virus. as soon as possible. the public health emergency was triggered. Faced with the promulgation of new ordinances by the Ministry of Education and Health, there was an orientation and, at the same time, permission, in the sense that educational institutions across the country use remote methodologies for the continuity of the school year. Among the transformation segments, education had to adapt radically to these resources. This reality demanded that education professionals have skills that were not mandatory until then, because even those who did not work with Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDIC) started to use them. In this sense, the objective of the present study was to understand how teachers acted to make distance learning viable in the region of Crajubar Ceará, in 2020, during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic.







How to Cite

Silva Figuerêdo, J. E. da, Martins Souza, F. L., & Macedo, M. E. C. (2022). New Educational Technologies Available on the Internet as Pedagogical Support in Contingent Remote Learning. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(7).