Quilombo Communities: Historical and Legal Aspects


  • Luana Pereira Rodrigues
  • Jose Henrique Santos Souza
  • Nilton de Almeida Araujo
  • Simone Francisca Ramos de Sousa


Traditional Communities, Legal Aspects, Gender and Race


Faced with the numerous social and political struggles that take place in the Brazilian scenario, the recognition and guarantee of the rights of quilombola communities emerges as one of these necessary guidelines for the country. The present work therefore discusses legal and political aspects of these struggles, based on the interdisciplinary work of postgraduate programs in the São Francisco Valley.In the development of the research, in the bibliographic review process, it is possible to find significant scientific production, in research carried out in communities of the Sertão do São Francisco Territory (TSSF), where the concepts and realities that subsidize us to understand the quilombo in the territorial context were worked. .







How to Cite

Rodrigues, L. P., Souza, J. H. S., Araujo, N. de A., & de Sousa, S. F. R. (2022). Quilombo Communities: Historical and Legal Aspects. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(8). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/5284