Emotional Education from the Perspective of care for Yourself


  • Maria Dalvaneide de Oliveira Araújo
  • Marcos Alexandre de Melo Barros
  • Claudison Vieira


emotional education, self-care, educational processes


We seek to present the development of education from theoretical reflections on emotional education from the perspective of taking care of oneself, in contemporary times. We discuss the conception of some authors and their contributions to the promotion of an education that contemplates the integrality of the students. At the end of this study, we infer that promoting an educational process based on emotional education requires that the various actors participating in this process are open to breaking historically consolidated paradigms, focusing on student learning, creating environments that favor the development of socio-emotional skills, for through meaningful connections between what is learned and the social/world context in which they live. We understand, therefore, that there is a possibility of a synergy between education and emotional development, from a teaching-learning process where students and teachers are engaged in an emancipatory education proposal.







How to Cite

Oliveira Araújo, M. D. de, Melo Barros, M. A. de, & Vieira, C. (2022). Emotional Education from the Perspective of care for Yourself. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(8). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/5308