Amazon Environmental Perspective Presented in Teaching Books used in the Public Network of Porto Velho/Ro


  • Geanne Ferreira Leite
  • Elizete Vieira de Melo
  • Anaile Cristina Vieira de Melo Batista
  • Emanuela Sá Moreira Carvalho


Representation, Textbook, Amazon, Environment


This article brings as an object of study the symbolic representations of the Amazon in texts from textbooks used in the public network of Porto Velho/RO. This object inquires the question: How is the Brazilian Amazon portrayed in textbooks distributed in public schools? For that, qualitative research was carried out, legitimized from the Cultural Analysis under the support of Cultural Studies. From a qualitative approach, it is intended to detect the symbolic constructions in the selected texts, to analyze the production of meaning effects regarding ideologies, imaginaries, silencing and discursive formations. In the data analysis, the meanings established in various modes of production (verbal and non-verbal) were questioned, since their materiality produces meanings for interpretation. It is concluded that the symbolic representations of the Amazon in the analyzed texts, assert the discursive effect of a green, uncivilized imaginary. There is a silencing of other regional characteristics to superimpose others, ideological, of a rural character, of an undeveloped place, without progress in “El dorado” without technology and urbanization.







How to Cite

Leite, G. F., Melo, E. V. de, de Melo Batista, A. C. V., & Carvalho, E. S. M. (2022). Amazon Environmental Perspective Presented in Teaching Books used in the Public Network of Porto Velho/Ro. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(8).