Environmental Policy of Solid Urban waste and the Socio-Environmental impacts in Baturité, Ceará, Brazil


  • Antonio Roberto Xavier
  • Veridiana Torres da Silva
  • Andrea Yumi Sugishita Kanikadan
  • Aiala Vieira Amorim
  • Olienaide Ribeiro de Oliveira Pinto
  • Carlos Mendes Tavares
  • Maria do Rosário de Fátima Portela Cysne
  • Rosalina semedo de Andrade Tavares
  • Luís Miguel Dias Caetano
  • Liliane Araújo Lima
  • Karla Renata de Aguiar Muniz
  • Michella Rita Santos Fonseca
  • Maria Vandia Guedes Lima
  • Juliana Fernandes da Silva Queiroz
  • Antonio Leonardo Moreira de Aquino
  • Júlio César Lopes de Oliveira
  • José Rogério Santana


Urban Solid Waste, Environmental Policy, Garbage Dump, Baturité-CE


The research had as its primary objective to understand, from the socio-environmental perspective, the limits, and possibilities of the dynamics of solid urban waste treatment in the municipality. Methodologically, this research study is an exploratory case study, of a basic nature with a qualitative approach. For data collection the techniques of direct observation and non-directive interview were applied to collectors/ dwellers of the municipal dump of Baturité-CE. As for the analysis techniques, content analysis and socio-historical contextual narrative discourse were used. As conclusive results, the study found that the collectors / residents live in a situation of socio-economic and environmental vulnerability, without having a collective organization to support them, including the absence of municipal government in relation to support these professional collectors of urban solid waste in general and in the locus of the research, specifically.







How to Cite

Xavier, A. R., Silva, V. T. da, Kanikadan, A. Y. S., Amorim, A. V., Oliveira Pinto, O. R. de, Tavares, C. M., Fátima Portela Cysne, M. do R. de, Andrade Tavares, R. semedo de, Caetano, L. M. D., Lima, L. A., Aguiar Muniz, K. R. de, Fonseca, M. R. S., Lima, M. V. G., Silva Queiroz, J. F. da, Moreira de Aquino, A. L., de Oliveira, J. C. L., & Santana, J. R. (2022). Environmental Policy of Solid Urban waste and the Socio-Environmental impacts in Baturité, Ceará, Brazil. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(8). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/5384