Innovative cocktails: Physical-chemical profile during storage


  • Fábio Pereira de Souza
  • Mariana Teixeira da Costa Machado
  • Alexandre Santos de Souza
  • Sandra Regina Gregório
  • Davy William Hidalgo Chavez
  • Lara Bruna Brito Castro de Souza
  • Karina Costa
  • Luiz Fernando Oliveira Maia
  • Jairo Lisboa Rodrigues


grain alcohol, physicochemical analysis, mixed alcoholic beverages, cachaça, shelf life


For the improvement and inclusion of new food technologies in the market, several evaluations must be carried out carefully in a new product, from its formulation, physical-chemical and microbiological tests to acceptance by the final consumer. This study aimed to evaluate the formulation of bottled alcoholic beverages in relation to physical-chemical aspects and stability during storage at two temperatures, for a period of up to 150 days, analyzing the physical-chemical parameters. Mixed alcoholic beverages, caipirinha, margherita and dulce de leche flavors, were evaluated regarding mandatory parameters of identity and quality standards of the legislation, quantification of chemical elements (Mg, k, Mn, Fe, Cu, Pb, As, Cd and Sn). For the stability study, the Accelerated Shelf-Life Test (TAVP) was performed, the samples were stored at temperatures of 30 and 40 °C in a BOD-type oven, in the absence of light and evaluated at regular intervals of time in relation to the parameters physical-chemical properties and color, in order to verify if there was a significant difference between the standard sample (beginning of storage) in relation to each elapsed temperature and time. With the exception of the caipirinha, which did not reach the minimum limit of 1g/100 mL of lemon juice, but this parameter can be easily corrected. The drinks remained stable throughout the storage time, the physico-chemical parameters analyzed of the three samples did not show changes in behavior at temperatures of 30 and 40 °C, when compared to each other, despite having presented a significant difference by the Tukey test and the non-parametric Kruskal Wallis test at a significance level of 5%. It was noticeable in the visual analysis of color and the comparisons of color parameters (L, Chroma and HUE) that there was a color variation over the storage time, however, this did not influence the shelf life, which was estimated to be greater than 150 days. Thus, it can be concluded that the drinks were stable and commercially acceptable.







How to Cite

Souza, F. P. de, Costa Machado, M. T. da, Souza, A. S. de, Gregório, S. R., Hidalgo Chavez, D. W., Castro de Souza, L. B. B., Costa, K., Oliveira Maia, L. F., & Rodrigues, J. L. (2022). Innovative cocktails: Physical-chemical profile during storage. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(8).