Ergonomic Risk Reduction with Automation of the Motorcycle Rear Lantern Mounting Process: Case Study in the PIM – AMAZONAS-BRAZIL


  • Dione Carlos de Castro Rodrigues
  • Marden Eufrasio dos Santos
  • Cleberson da Silva Pereira
  • David Barbosa de Alencar


The present work deals with the use of pneumatic devices, applied in productive processes to improve an ergonomic problem. An easy-to-use automation system was implemented and evaluated for the assembly process of the motorcycle rear lantern product, since it was in high levels of absenteeism and rejection due to ergonomic effort. The case study was carried out in a motorcycle company, through the collection of data regarding the operation on the line and technical report records containing performance indicators. The results obtained were the reduction of ergonomic risks, thus guaranteeing safety standards, quality and ergonomics. The process of continuous improvement and of great relevance for both the company and the employees involved.







How to Cite

Rodrigues, D. C. de C., Santos, M. E. dos, Pereira, C. da S., & Alencar, D. B. de. (2019). Ergonomic Risk Reduction with Automation of the Motorcycle Rear Lantern Mounting Process: Case Study in the PIM – AMAZONAS-BRAZIL. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(6).