Management and Planning of Basic Life Support: School Community Guidance


  • Lena Cláudia Maia Alencar
  • Creusa Barbosa dos Santos Trindade
  • Valeria Regina Cavalcante dos Santos


Support, Basic, Life, Health, Education


The objective of the study is to analyze how the process of implementation of the Basic Life Support Program (BLS) takes place, in the State Education Network, for the proposition of a didactic instrument to introduce the orientation and importance of the knowledge of BLS in the Community. School of the State Public Education Network of Pará. The main theoretical and methodological references supported in this project are the studies by CHEHUEN NETO et al. (2016) and PEDUZZI (2001), the guideline by BERNOCHE et al. (2019) and Law 13,722 of BRAZIL (2018). The study is bibliographic, qualitative and exploratory, based on action research. According to Brown (2001, p. 152): “action research is a term that applies to projects in which practitioners seek to effect transformations in their own practices. The product proposal is based on the creation of a didactic instrument to guide in a practical and effective way the school community of the State Education Network, in SBV to be developed by the researcher who will be responsible with the Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Pará Foundation (FSCMP) for this guidance in partnership with SEDUC (Secretariat of Education). This project is expected to promote the orientation of the importance of knowledge of the SBV in the School Community and its inclusion in the State Curriculum Matrix.




How to Cite

Alencar, L. C. M., Santos Trindade, C. B. dos, & Cavalcante dos Santos, V. R. (2022). Management and Planning of Basic Life Support: School Community Guidance. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(9).