The training of health students during the COVID-19 pandemic: Changing scenarios


  • Adriana Duarte de Souza Carvalho da Silva
  • Enderson Rodrigues de Carvalho
  • Master Leandro Henrique Tavares Pauletti


COVID-19, Pandemic, Health Education, Health Training


The COVID-19 pandemic has radically changed our relationships with the world, making our social interactions more distant and colder than we saw before the spread of the disease. The impact of this seclusion of people and the departure from their routines should have positive and negative consequences over the years. In this reflection, we discussed what adaptations were made so that students and educational institutions could count on a horizon in the maintenance of their activities during the pandemic, without students, teachers and even the schedules, being impacted by the scenario that happened. The article shows that there were many investments so that the interaction was not compromised and so that the technological resources could compose all the support that was already available for the training of students in health courses.




How to Cite

Carvalho da Silva, A. D. de S., de Carvalho, E. R., & Henrique Tavares Pauletti, M. L. (2022). The training of health students during the COVID-19 pandemic: Changing scenarios. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(9).