Territorial Identity: Challenges and perspectives in the quilombola communities of Gurugi and Mituaçu


  • Marcley da Luz Marques
  • Ângelo Giuseppe Chaves Alves
  • Júlia Figueredo Benzaquen
  • Horasa Maria Lima da Silva Andrade
  • Wagner Lins Lira


Ethnic Territories, Traditional People, Quilombola Communities, South coast of Paraíba


The research presents a study involving some challenges and conflicts inherent to the quilombola territories of the South Coast of Paraíba. In this sense, we observe, not only here, but throughout the National Territory, the emergence of inequalities, the lack of social assistance, environmental problems and the sluggishness around the processes of recognition and titling of the remaining quilombo territories. In this way, we seek to dialogue with the theoretical contributions - available on the platforms: Periódicos Capes and Google Scholar - about the territorial identity of the quilombola communities of Gurugi and Mituaçu, located in the South Coast of Paraíba - municipality of Conde - as well as the expectations aimed at the ethnic strengthening of these communities. According to the material consulted – three articles published in scientific journals-, we found that the quilombolas in question develop strategies so that their voices are heard and their rights guaranteed, above all, mobilizing for a broader and collective understanding of their quilombola identities. , since such territories have already gone through the due processes of recognition by the State, however, they still need to establish themselves ethnically as quilombola peoples.




How to Cite

Marques, M. da L., Alves, Ângelo G. C., Benzaquen, J. F., Silva Andrade, H. M. L. da, & Lira, W. L. (2022). Territorial Identity: Challenges and perspectives in the quilombola communities of Gurugi and Mituaçu. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(9). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/5482