The green fair as an instrument of autonomy for family farmers in agroecological transition in the municipality of Paripiranga-Ba, Brazil: A case study


  • Carlos Allan Pereira dos Santos
  • Horasa Maria Lima da Silva Andrade
  • Luciano Pires de Andrade


Solidarity economy, Empowerment, Agroecological fairs, Agroecological transition


The agroecological transition process is complex and requires preparation of all involved, from the changes in the production system to the moment of commercialization. This moment is crucial for the socioeconomic development of the participating producers. Agroecological markets play an important role in the agroecological transition process and in the empowerment of farmers involved in this process. The objective of this paper is to reflect, based on a case study, about the role of the green fair as a socioeconomic development tool for family farmers in agroecological transition in the municipality of Paripiranga-Ba, Brasil. From the study developed, it was realized that there is a need for further studies with the participating producers, but it was already possible to realize that the green fair has enabled productive diversification in a region where grain monocultures predominate.




How to Cite

dos Santos, C. A. P., Silva Andrade, H. M. L. da, & Andrade, L. P. de. (2022). The green fair as an instrument of autonomy for family farmers in agroecological transition in the municipality of Paripiranga-Ba, Brazil: A case study. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(9).