People's Health Surveillance in the Construction of Coexistence with the Semi-Arid in Times of Pandemic COVID-19


  • Gislei Siqueira Knierim
  • Gáudia Maria Costa Leite Pereira
  • Luciano Pires de Andrade
  • Ana Maria Dubeux Gervais


Training-action, Health practices, Covid-19, Semi-arid


The training-action process called "The Cycle of Meetings: Healthy and Sustainable Territories in the Brazilian Semi-Arid - Popular Health Surveillance in Times of Pandemic", was characterized as a training space organized by the Articulation of the Brazilian Semi-Arid (ASA) and the Health Environment Work Program (PSAT) of Fiocruz - Brasília in the period from August to September 2020 where it sought to encourage dialogue, the construction of knowledge, the strengthening of community relations with the Unified Health System (SUS) and build strategies to confront the Covid-19 health crisis in the territories of the Semi-Arid. The Cycles were organized in five virtual meetings and territorial actions between meetings. They were oriented towards the construction of new models of understanding and action in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, in order to discuss how the adoption of theoretical and practical approaches can enable the action of the organizations that make up ASA in the territories to strengthen agroecological transition systems, appropriate technologies for access to water and food security for families in the Sertão. It resulted in the construction of guiding principles for health practices for the resumption of the activities of ASA organizations in the territories in times of pandemics.




How to Cite

Knierim, G. S., Leite Pereira, G. M. C., Andrade, L. P. de, & Gervais, A. M. D. (2022). People’s Health Surveillance in the Construction of Coexistence with the Semi-Arid in Times of Pandemic COVID-19. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(9).