Problem-based learning: A teaching-learning strategy for teaching “Extensão Rural” in the “Medicina Veterinária” graduate course


  • Anderson Fernandes de Alencar
  • Óscar Emerson Zúñiga Mosquera
  • José Nunes da Silva
  • Julia Figueredo Benzaquen
  • Tarcísio Augusto Alves da Silva
  • Walter Santos Evangelista Júnior
  • Luis Claudio Monteiro de Mattos
  • Laeticia Medeiros Jalil
  • Maria Rita Ivo de Melo Machado
  • Francinete Francis Lacerda
  • Marcos Antonio Bezerra Figueiredo
  • Ana Maria Dubeux Gervais
  • Jorge Luiz Schirmer de Mattos


active methodologies, herbal medicines, veterinarian, tutor relationship


The PBL methodology has been widely used in teaching-learning processes. This has been more frequent in cases in which the entire structure of the course starts to fully comply and operate under the guidance of the ABP. However, the PBL due to its applicability can be adapted to educational processes of a more restricted scope involving disciplines. This is the case of the present experience that put the PBL into practice in the “Extensão Rural” discipline in two classes of the Medicina Veterinária graduate course at UFRPE. The “problems” were introduced to classes SV1 and SV2 by the professor of the discipline and related to the “effectiveness of herbal medicines in controlling worms” and “conflicts in the relationship between the veterinarian and the animal tutor”, respectively. The students were divided into groups of 8 up to 10 members, with their respective coordinators and secretaries. 4 up to 5 meetings were held weekly, except for individual research and assessment and application of new knowledge to the problem, which took two to three weeks. The studies of the ABP groups revealed that the control of verminoses can be effective with the use of herbal medicines, as long as they are under correct hygienic management. They also revealed that it is up to the veterinarian to prepare himself to deal with conflicts that may occur with the tutors, something that can be resolved with the introduction of a discipline in the area of psychology in the curriculum of the course. Finally, it is worth noting that the experience was considered pedagogically positive by both students and specialist teachers.




How to Cite

Alencar, A. F. de, Mosquera, Óscar E. Z., Silva, J. N. da, Benzaquen, J. F., da Silva, T. A. A., Evangelista Júnior, W. S., de Mattos, L. C. M., Jalil, L. M., Machado, M. R. I. de M., Lacerda, F. F., Figueiredo, M. A. B., Gervais, A. M. D., & de Mattos, J. L. S. (2022). Problem-based learning: A teaching-learning strategy for teaching “Extensão Rural” in the “Medicina Veterinária” graduate course. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(9).