Planning of Clean Water Distribution System to the Needs of the Community with the Utilization of Water Sources of Artesic Water Sources, Way Hula Hamlet, Liang Village, Salahutu District


  • Edison Hukom
  • Rudi Serang


Discharge, Distribution, Demand for Clean Water


The need for clean water is one of the necessities that cannot be separated from the life of living things on earth, especially humans, animals and plants. In general, clean water is an important component for the life processes of creatures on earth. Water is one of the village needs for living creatures which is very vital, which if managed properly will bring many benefits to living things. With regard to the results of research, surveys, interviews and observations with both village officials and local communities, the source of the spring has not been utilized because there is no piping network and reservoir tank in the construction process so that it is used daily for washing cars, washing clothes and people using buckets / buckets. gene to take water for daily needs in Way Hula Hamlet. The author aims to determine the availability of clean water discharge that enters the reservoir and is distributed to the community, the diameter of the pipe and the distribution system that will be used for the next 5 years projection for the people of Way Hula Hamlet, Liang Village. Then a research study was carried out through the analysis stage, the results obtained were that the water discharge entering the reservoir was 0.26 m3/second and channeled to the public faucets of the Way Hula Hamlet 0.015 m3/second, the diameter of the galvanized pipe according to the planning and calculations is a galvanized pipe diameter 6 inches is used from the well/source to the reservoir, galvanized pipes with a diameter of 2 inches, 1 inch and 1/2 inch are used from the reservoir to the public faucet for the clean water needs of Way Hula Hamlet for the next 5 years from 2020 to 2025 of 0.01m3/ seconds can be met.




How to Cite

Hukom, E., & Serang, R. (2022). Planning of Clean Water Distribution System to the Needs of the Community with the Utilization of Water Sources of Artesic Water Sources, Way Hula Hamlet, Liang Village, Salahutu District. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(10).