Transsubjectivities in the School Space of the Semiarid Region


  • Thaynara Oliveira da Silva
  • Pedro Paulo Souza Rios
  • Edonilce da Rocha Barros


Subjectivities, Education, (auto)biographical narratives


The reflection around dissident bodies has gained visibility in recent decades, questioning the access and permanence of these bodies is essential to guarantee the construction of a more just, inclusive, equitable society. However, it is necessary to show that these bodies have always been among us, even if silenced, so the present article aims to reflect the transsubjectivities in the school space from the (auto)biographical narratives of two former transsexual students of schools State High Schools in Senhor do Bonfim – Bahia. Based on queer and post-critical studies and (auto)biographical narratives as an epistemological basis, supporting the understanding of subjectivities, sexualities, gender identities, transgressions, curriculum and differences.




How to Cite

da Silva, T. O., Rios, P. P. S., & Barros, E. da R. (2022). Transsubjectivities in the School Space of the Semiarid Region. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(10).