Elements for an Aquaponics Genealogy: Ancestors of an Innovative Social Technology


  • Nemo Augusto Móes Côrtes
  • Ana Maria Dubeux Gervais
  • Jorge Luiz Schirmer de Mattos


Agroecology, aquaculture, chinampas


Aquaponics is a social technology that integrates raising fish in ponds with growing food without soil. This article aims to (i.) analyze the situation of aquaculture and its relationship with sustainability and food security, (ii.) rescue the historical foundations of chinampas and their relationship with aquaponics, (iii.) identify the relationships between agroecology and aquaponics, (iv.) review the concept of aquaponics and (v.) present the current scenario of aquaponics in Pernambuco. For that, a bibliographic and data survey was carried out, through the historical method, in order to find clues to a genealogy of aquaponics. Aquaponics shows a high degree of approximation with agroecology as it is a sustainable, resilient social technology with high replicability power. In addition, aquaponics is an integrative, transdisciplinary and holistic technique in essence. Currently, in Pernambuco, non-governmental organizations and research institutions are promoting the development of aquaponics in several territories of the state. Therefore, aquaponics shows a high degree of approximation with agroecology as it is a sustainable, resilient social technology with high replicability power. In addition, aquaponics is an integrative, transdisciplinary and holistic technique in essence.




How to Cite

Côrtes, N. A. M., Gervais, A. M. D., & de Mattos, J. L. S. (2022). Elements for an Aquaponics Genealogy: Ancestors of an Innovative Social Technology. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(10). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/5608