Reflections on Territorial Development from the Perspective of Interdisciplinarity


  • Luciana Souza de Oliveira
  • Lucia Marisy Souza Ribeiro de Oliveira
  • René Geraldo Cordeiro Silva Júnior
  • Gustavo Jardim Ferraz Goyanna
  • Moyses Avelino de Souza Filho
  • Henrique Pereira de Aquino


Interdisciplinarity, Sustainable development, Environment, Higher education institutions, Cultural diversity


The purpose of this article is to relate the connection between territorial development and interdisciplinarity with the objective of building reflections on the elements inherent to the themes, from a reality of crisis that has a part in the environmental sphere and that is imbricated in development and environmental issues. sustainability. It also brings the discussion of interdisciplinarity into the academy in undergraduate and graduate courses, highlighting the importance of continuing education for teachers and students, with a view to building new approaches that recognize the importance of cultural diversity and exchanges between scientific and popular knowledge for the realization of development in the territories, where the population involved is the protagonist of the decisions and actions implemented.




How to Cite

Oliveira, L. S. de, Ribeiro de Oliveira, L. M. S., Silva Júnior, R. G. C., Goyanna, G. J. F., Souza Filho, M. A. de, & Aquino, H. P. de. (2022). Reflections on Territorial Development from the Perspective of Interdisciplinarity. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(10).