Benefits vs. harms of using Mega Hair


  • Bárbara Evelyn Blanco
  • Thalita Grazielly Santos
  • Ana Carolina Rezende Araújo
  • Thaís Helena Veloso Soares
  • Olívia Cristina Alves Lopes
  • Esdras Haine Soares Vasconcelos
  • Gabriel Tavares do Vale
  • Nicole Blanco Bernardes
  • Camila Belfort Piantino Faria
  • Beatriz Dutra Brazão Lelis


Hair, alopecia, Traction, Damage, Extension


Hair in women is associated with beauty and self-esteem. Hair loss can occur due to several factors, bringing with it changes in the person's quality of life. In this sense, hair extension comes to supply the lack of hair, increasing self-esteem and filling the emotional void caused by the fall. Alopecia or hair loss, as it is popularly known, is caused by several factors, such as hormonal dysfunction, stress, lack of vitamins such as iron, zinc and vitamin D, chemicals, genetic predisposition and trauma generated by traction over long periods. . The objective of this study is to evaluate the benefits and harms of the use of hair extension, since it may be related to the development of traction alopecia, as its use can be done improperly, the maintenance time is not respected and the amount of hair to be longer than natural hair can support. However, it is necessary to study the structural composition of the hair shaft, as well as its chemical and physical composition. Knowledge of the hair cycle: anagen phase, catagen phase and telogen phase, each with its own duration. And especially the understanding of traction alopecia, its possible causes and how it can be avoided. Photos of customers who have been using hair extensions for some time, showing that the extension does not damage natural wires, on the contrary, it helps in their healthy development.




How to Cite

Blanco, B. E., Santos, T. G., Araújo, A. C. R., Soares, T. H. V., Lopes, O. C. A., Vasconcelos, E. H. S., Vale, G. T. do, Bernardes, N. B., Faria, C. B. P., & Lelis, B. D. B. (2022). Benefits vs. harms of using Mega Hair. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(10).