Analysis of Human Resources at A Sustainable Use Conservation Unit: Application of the "Human Resource Module" of the RAPPAM method - Rio Ouro Preto Extractive Reserve


  • Luciana Fabiano
  • Fernanda Kelly Vieira Lopes


This study sought to answer the following questioning: "What does the management plan (guiding document on conservation unit management) indicate about human resources in a sustainable use CU, according to the indicators from 'Module 09 - Human Resources' of the RAPPAM method - global benchmark for evaluating the effectiveness of protected area management?" Methodology: The study is characterized as descriptive, based on its subject matter; documentary, since institutional documents were used for its development, and qualitative, since it interprets a phenomenon. Objective: To assess what the ROP EXRES "Management Plan - 2014" indicates about human resources in a sustainable use CU, according to the indicators of "Module 09 - Human Resources" of the RAPPAM method. Conclusion: The study obtained the following results: a) the indicator "human resources" in the CU pointed to a gap due to the lack of professionals in sufficient numbers to meet the demands of the unit; b) in relation to "appropriate skills" of employees to carry out the work, the only EXRES employee was evaluated as having the appropriate qualifications; c) the indicator "management team training and development" revealed that the management plan has programs aimed at ongoing training of employees in order to meet the demands of the protected area; d) regarding the indicator "periodic review" of employees, it was observed that the plan does not cover or does mention this item; finally, with regard to the indicator "working conditions" available, the team shows few significant results, in view of the inadequate infrastructure in the management plan. This means that investments are needed to develop the structuration of the CU. The study advocates the importance of obtaining a broad picture regarding Brazilian protected areas due to the abundance of natural resources in such areas. The issue of human resources in protected areas is essential to their effective management, surveillance, service to community, and the study especially emphasizes community participation as a way to directly contribute to the management of protected areas. As a suggestion to contribute to the solution of the problem researched, this study points to the possibility of shared management being implemented in ROP EXRES, as is seen in other protected areas.







How to Cite

Fabiano, L., & Lopes, F. K. V. (2019). Analysis of Human Resources at A Sustainable Use Conservation Unit: Application of the "Human Resource Module" of the RAPPAM method - Rio Ouro Preto Extractive Reserve. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(6).