Late diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Repercussions and challenges encountered in adolescence and adulthood


  • Karen Natany Costa de Oliveira
  • Leticia Rodrigues Fernandes
  • Matheus Henrique Alves dos Santos
  • Ayane Araújo Rodrigues
  • Christiane Melo Silva Bomtempo
  • Melice Barbosa Oliveira Feitosa


Autism, Late diagnosis, Adulthood, Challenges, Therapeutic interventions


Abstract— Autism Spectrum Disorder is characterized by disturbances in language and social interaction, in addition to restricted and repetitive interests and behaviors. Generally, the first signs may appear in the first year of life and bring with it many difficulties, which require professional monitoring for patients and their families. However, although there are policies for early screening of Autism Spectrum Disorder in several countries, their success is not always guaranteed, causing diagnosis and treatments not to occur in childhood, which, regardless of the degree of the spectrum in that the subject finds himself, brings difficulties for him and those of his acquaintance. This study aims to analyze the main challenges faced by autistic people in adolescence and adulthood. According to the bibliographic survey, the biggest challenges encountered are based on the lack of knowledge of health professionals about the disorder, resulting in late identification and diagnosis and, consequently, a delay in therapeutic intervention.




How to Cite

Oliveira, K. N. C. de, Fernandes, L. R., dos Santos, M. H. A., Rodrigues, A. A., Bomtempo, C. M. S., & Feitosa, M. B. O. (2022). Late diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Repercussions and challenges encountered in adolescence and adulthood. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(11).