The use of Educational Technologies in the Guidance of Self-Care of Stomized Patients


  • Maria Ivanilde de Andrade
  • Pamela Nery do Lago
  • Raquel Resende Cabral de Castro e Silva
  • Carolina Costa Pinto
  • Ronaldo Gomes Rodrigues
  • Aline da Silva Fernandes
  • Flávia de Oliveira Freitas
  • Aline Helen Alves de Oliveira Guimarães Leite
  • Ângelo Aparecido Ninditi
  • Nicolle Silva de Menezes
  • Iara Alves de Sousa
  • Priscila Tafuri de Paiva Risi
  • Karine Letícia de Araújo Costa
  • Divina Elenice Cardoso Bessas
  • Mariana Regina Pinto Pereira
  • Danielle Cristina de Oliveira Silva Saturnino
  • Maíra Amaral Silveira Gomes Ferreira
  • Carla Renata dos Santos
  • Ana Paula Caetano Pereira
  • João Eduardo Pinho
  • Márcia Marques dos Santos
  • Elmira Valéria Carvalho Amorim
  • Valéria Cristina de Sousa
  • Kelly Monte Santo Fontes
  • Daniela de Sousa Azeredo
  • Rosana Silva Amarante
  • Tami Silva Nunes
  • Marcelo Dangllys Duarte Fernandes
  • Rafaela Bezerra Gama Guimarães
  • Adriana de Cristo Sousa
  • Marília Prata Oliveira
  • Andrea Molina Lima Avelino
  • Andréa de Sousa Quintela
  • Juliana Grazielle Lobato Alexandre
  • Darlan dos Santos Damásio Silva
  • Siomara Jesuina de Abreu Rodrigues
  • Martapolyana Torres Menezes da Silva
  • Rita de Cássia Almeida Sales
  • Karla Patrícia Figueirôa Silva
  • Tarcísio Silva Borborema
  • Rayara Alves Pereira
  • Alanna Drumond Terri Oliveira
  • Tatiana Alves Costa
  • Tatiana Lamounier Silva
  • Samanntha Lara da Silva Torres Anaisse
  • Amanda Silva Bacelar


Educational Technologies, Self care, Stomata


This is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach, carried out through a literature review. The aim of the study was to address the use of educational technologies in self-care guidance for ostomy patients. As a method, twelve scientific articles were used, published between 2016 and 2021 on scientific websites and platforms. The results showed that an educational technology aimed at guiding people with an ostomy is important due to the changes that occur after the ostomy and that the use of technologies during educational actions is seen as a tool that complements the process of knowledge construction for care and o taking care of oneself, qualifying interventions in health practice with people with stoma and their families. Health professionals play the role of educators and must participate in the process of elaboration, development and evaluation of the need to implement educational technologies with ostomy patients and their families.




How to Cite

Andrade, M. I. de, Lago, P. N. do, de Castro e Silva, R. R. C., Pinto, C. C., Rodrigues, R. G., Fernandes, A. da S., Freitas, F. de O., Oliveira Guimarães Leite, A. H. A. de, Ninditi, Ângelo A., Menezes, N. S. de, Sousa, I. A. de, Risi, P. T. de P., Araújo Costa, K. L. de, Bessas, D. E. C., Pereira, M. R. P., Oliveira Silva Saturnino, D. C. de, Gomes Ferreira, M. A. S., Santos, C. R. dos, Pereira, A. P. C., … Bacelar, A. S. (2022). The use of Educational Technologies in the Guidance of Self-Care of Stomized Patients. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(11).