Analysis of the Epidemiological Profile of Syphilis Cases in the Caxias do Maranhão Macro-region from 2019 to 2021


  • Bianca Xavier Torres Ferreira
  • Elivalter Miranda de Santana
  • Jorge Luis Pagliarini
  • Joyce Helena Leão Queiroz
  • Marcelo Gomes Melo Filho
  • Pedro Lucas Azeredo Komatsu
  • Rômulo Soares Dias
  • Idna de Carvalho Barros Taumaturgo
  • Bruna Lopes Bezerra


Epidemiologia, Prevalência, Síflis


Syphilis is a systemic infection currently recognized as a public health problem, according to the WHO, with high prevalence, despite simple and effective treatment. The objective of this study was to analyze data referring to the epidemiological profile of cases of syphilis acquired in the macro-region of Caxias, state of Maranhão, from 2019 to 2021. This is a descriptive and quantitative study of reported cases of syphilis acquired in the municipality, including a population composed of all notified cases of acquired syphilis, with data obtained from a public domain database. The study variables were: sociodemographic (age group, education, skin color and place of residence), diagnosis, treatment (appropriate, inadequate, not performed or ignored) and the evolution of the cases. A relationship was observed between growth in the number of cases and low socioeconomic development index. There was also a higher prevalence in patients with low education and people of mixed race. Therefore, the need for more public health actions aimed at the most vulnerable population is evident, with the aim of effectively controlling and, consequently, eradicating the disease.




How to Cite

Ferreira, B. X. T., Santana, E. M. de, Pagliarini, J. L., Queiroz, J. H. L., Filho, M. G. M., Komatsu, P. L. A., Dias, R. S., Taumaturgo, I. de C. B., & Bezerra, B. L. (2022). Analysis of the Epidemiological Profile of Syphilis Cases in the Caxias do Maranhão Macro-region from 2019 to 2021. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(11).