The Competitiveness of Micro-Enterprises and Small Businesses in a Change Scenario: In the Western Area of - Bangu Polo in the Municipality of Rio De Janeiro - Brazil


  • José Carlos da Silva
  • Dr. Ronaldo do Nascimento Carvalho


Microenterprises, Small businesses, West Zone of the Bangu Pole of Rio de Janeiro


This article aims to discuss the phenomena of hunger and poverty as social processes resulting from the absence of public policies of the state, which assure Brazilians of food in adequate quantity and quality, as a constitutional right. This is a bibliographical, descriptive and explanatory research, which took as reference the classic and contemporary theorists who study the themes, observing the rules established for this type of investigation, with the main purpose of presenting the efficiency of SISTEMINHA, a social and economic technology as an alternative for the alleviation of hunger, poverty, insufficient income, but also as an important mechanism of environmental sustainability, since all productive routing is organic, minimizing the negative impacts that agriculture and livestock bring to the nature, with interference in climate change.




How to Cite

Silva, J. C. da, & Nascimento Carvalho, D. R. do. (2022). The Competitiveness of Micro-Enterprises and Small Businesses in a Change Scenario: In the Western Area of - Bangu Polo in the Municipality of Rio De Janeiro - Brazil. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(11).