Identification of the Dynamic Model of a Distillation Column


  • F. M. Sivieri
  • E. P. Teixeira


This paper presents the results of the identification of the dynamic equations of a binary distillation column. Due to the many characteristics that involve multi-variable systems, we use a linear identifier to estimate the top and bottom concentrations of a generic column, considering as input the injected steam flow in the heat exchanger of the reboiler and the recycle rate. The use of linear models is justified, considering that, in practice, it works in very narrow bands around the setpoints. Within these ranges, the linear models are quite accurate. The set of input and output data, necessary to proceed with the identification of the system, was obtained based on a theoretical model of a generic binary distillation column. In practice, these data should be obtained directly from a industrial process. The details of the simulation, as well as the results of the identification process, are presented.







How to Cite

Sivieri, F. M., & Teixeira, E. P. (2019). Identification of the Dynamic Model of a Distillation Column. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(6).