Nurses and care management in clinical emergencies: Bibliographic review


  • Letícia Almeida de Assunção
  • Claudeth Freitas da Costa
  • Raimundo Lima Monteiro
  • Thaís Lopes do Amaral Uchôa
  • Ralrizônia Fernandes Sousa
  • Adriana Borges Melo
  • Eliana Maria dos Santos
  • José Carlos Nunes Braz
  • Priscila Morgana da Silva Caldeira
  • Sarah Jacqueline Costa do Lago
  • Luana Priscila Assunção
  • José Gustavo Monteiro Penha
  • Leonardo Silva da Costa
  • Milton Nazareno de Quadros Miranda
  • Francielma Pinheiro das Chagas
  • Regina Racquel dos Santos Jacinto
  • Rogério Gomes Pereira
  • João Victor Elyakim Pantoja Magno
  • Elane Magalhães Oliveira
  • Júlio Éliton Lima Guimarães
  • Josiane Macedo de Oliveira Rupf
  • Adams Brunno Silva
  • HioneTavares dos Santos
  • Yasmin Pacheco Ribeiro
  • Thamyris Abreu Marinho Rodrigues
  • Carla Caroline Motta Castilho
  • Alda Lima Lemos
  • Edioneise Dantas de Souza
  • Luceme Martins Silva
  • Jhennifer Pereira Rodrigues
  • Lucineia Ferreira Ferreira
  • Ana Caroline Guedes Souza Martins


Patient-Centered Care, Emergency Assistance, Nursing care


Objective: This study aims to gather, characterize, evaluate and integrate studies that investigated the management of nursing care in the main clinical emergencies. Method: This is a review of national and international literature, which includes the analysis of research results that offer support to nurses in relation to conduct in the main clinical emergencies. Results: Among the most cited clinical emergencies in the articles, the management of nursing care in hypertensive crisis, hyperglycemic crisis, upper and lower gastrointestinal bleeding, acute pulmonary edema, burn patients and sepsis stand out. Final considerations: The study had limitations regarding the number of scientific articles specifically related to urgency and nursing care. Furthermore, it is concluded that nurses play a fundamental role in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, evolution and stabilization of the clinical picture.




How to Cite

Assunção, L. A. de, Costa, C. F. da, Monteiro, R. L., Amaral Uchôa, T. L. do, Sousa, R. F., Melo, A. B., Santos, E. M. dos, Braz, J. C. N., Caldeira, P. M. da S., do Lago, S. J. C., Assunção, L. P., Penha, J. G. M., Costa, L. S. da, Quadros Miranda, M. N. de, das Chagas, F. P., Santos Jacinto, R. R. dos, Pereira, R. G., Pantoja Magno, J. V. E., Oliveira, E. M., … Souza Martins, A. C. G. (2022). Nurses and care management in clinical emergencies: Bibliographic review. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(12).