Bioethics, pandemic and the duty to treat: Discussing the allocation of scarce resources


  • Letícia Almeida de Assunção
  • Eliana Maria dos Santos
  • Sarah Jacqueline Costa do Lago
  • Claudeth Freitas da Costa
  • José Gustavo Monteiro Penha
  • Leonardo Silva da Costa
  • Milton Nazareno de Quadros Miranda
  • Francielma Pinheiro das Chagas
  • Regina Racquel dos Santos Jacinto
  • Carla Monique Lavareda Costa
  • Elane Magalhães Oliveira
  • Josiane Macedo de Oliveira Rupf
  • Adams Brunno Silva
  • Sonia Maria dos Santos Farias
  • Yasmin Pacheco Ribeiro
  • Carla Caroline Motta Castilho
  • Taynnara de Oliveira do Espírito Santo Cunha
  • Ivonete Vieira Pereira Peixoto
  • Lucineia Ferreira Ferreira
  • Alessandra Evangelista
  • Jhennifer Pereira Rodrigues
  • Luceme Martins Silva
  • Marilene de Sousa Costa
  • Edioneise Dantas de Souza
  • Luana Priscila Assunção
  • Tainá Sayuri Onuma de Oliveira
  • Erick Bruno Monteiro Costa
  • Tarsila Fagury Videira Secco Carvalho
  • Liana de Oliveira Araújo
  • Ana Caroline Guedes Souza Martins


Pandemic, Bioethics, Health Economics


Objectives: To know the ethical parameters in relation to the allocation of scarce resources in the midst of the pandemic. Method: This is an integrative literature review that included articles published in 2020, during the Covid-19 pandemic, in journals indexed in Lilacs and Scielo databases, available for free, and studies discussed in international bioethics forums focused on discussing ethical dilemmas during the pandemic. Results: There are strong justifications for the development and application of triage protocols in case the pandemic exceeds the capacity to provide intensive care to all patients. Conclusion: It is important that hospitals take immediate steps to develop a decision-making process, anticipate what will be the priority criteria in this pandemic moment and involve the ethics team in the institutions, in order to take the burden off the decision of health professionals, which are already overloaded.




How to Cite

Assunção, L. A. de, Santos, E. M. dos, do Lago, S. J. C., Costa, C. F. da, Penha, J. G. M., Costa, L. S. da, Quadros Miranda, M. N. de, Chagas, F. P. das, Santos Jacinto, R. R. dos, Costa, C. M. L., Oliveira, E. M., Oliveira Rupf, J. M. de, Silva, A. B., Santos Farias, S. M. dos, Ribeiro, Y. P., Castilho, C. C. M., Espírito Santo Cunha, T. de O. do, Peixoto, I. V. P., Ferreira, L. F., … Souza Martins, A. C. G. (2022). Bioethics, pandemic and the duty to treat: Discussing the allocation of scarce resources. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(12).