The Water and Socioeconomic Importance of the Aracoiaba Dam for the Maciço do Baturité Region


  • Lívia Paulia Dias Ribeiro
  • Maria Lenir Menezes Paz
  • Francisco Nildo da Silva
  • Antônio Roberto Xavier
  • Sandra Sely Silveira Maia e Silva


Aracoiaba Dam, Socioeconomic development, Maciço de Baturité


Brazil, despite being privileged among other countries, for the amount of fresh water it has, also has many problems with water scarcity, especially in northeastern regions, with high temperatures and frequent periods of drought. As an example, in the late 1990s, the municipality of Aracoiaba experienced a serious crisis of drinking water shortages, which required the construction of the Aracoiaba Dam, which began in 2000. The purpose of this research was to demonstrate the socioeconomic importance of construction from the Aracoiaba Dam, to the communities where it is located, and to the Massif de Baturité. The investigation was developed according to a basic and exploratory nature, with a qualitative and quantitative approach through a case study. Through the surveys carried out, it was found that the Aracoiaba Dam minimized the problem of lack of drinking water in the city, and provided the social and economic development of local communities, neighboring municipalities and also the Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza, through agriculture and livestock, agriculture , horticulture, and other productive activities. The Aracoiaba Dam, develops great socioeconomic importance for this municipality, Maciço de Baturité, and the Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza, which justifies the need for greater inspection and monitoring of production, product and development.




How to Cite

Ribeiro, L. P. D., Paz, M. L. M., Silva, F. N. da, Xavier, A. R., & Maia e Silva, S. S. S. (2022). The Water and Socioeconomic Importance of the Aracoiaba Dam for the Maciço do Baturité Region. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(12).