Morbimortality in American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in the Xingú region – Pará: Elaboration of a digital booklet for health professionals


  • Simony do Socorro de Vilhena Guimarães
  • Valéria Regina Cavalcante dos Santos
  • Silvia Ferreira Nunes
  • Silvestre Savino Neto
  • Marilene de Sousa Costa
  • Nelma Maria de Lima Chaves
  • Thaís Lopes do Amaral Uchôa
  • Elane Magalhães Oliveira
  • Regina Racquel dos Santos Jacinto
  • Josiane Macedo de Oliveira Rupf
  • Elidiane de Carvalho Ribeiro
  • Edioneise Dantas de Souza
  • Carla Caroline Motta Castilho
  • Claudeth Freitas da Costa
  • Taynnara de Oliveira do Espírito Santo Cunha
  • Ivonete Vieira Pereira Peixoto
  • Tainá Sayuri Onuma de Oliveira
  • Adriane Wosny Guimarães
  • Larissa das Graças Santos Rodrigues
  • Gizelle Rodrigues Uchôa
  • Claudia Aparecida Godoy Rocha
  • Patrício Macedo de Sousa
  • Blenda Evangelista de Moura
  • Jean Jorge da Silva Ferreira
  • Juliana Nava de Souza
  • Danielle de Sousa Ferreira Brito
  • Iranildo Lopes de Oliveira
  • Irna Carla do Rosário Souza Carneiro


Morbimortality, Tegumentary Leishmaniasis, Americana, Digital Booklet


Objective: To carry out a survey of the morbidity and mortality of American Tegumentary Leishmaniasis (ATL) in the Xingú / PA region. Method: Study with a quantitative and qualitative approach of an exploratory nature and descriptive characterization, starting from the analysis of morbidity and mortality data to the construction of a technology in Health, in the format of a digital booklet, to assist health professionals in the surveillance and assistance to patients with ATL. Results: Professionals oriented on the use of protocols, the need for assisted treatment and patient follow-up until cure, in addition to the need to pay attention to adverse events and the presence of coinfections, thus reducing complications and deaths during treatment. Conclusion: The use of a health technology proves to be of fundamental importance to help the health professional in the care of ACL patients, as it allows quick and easy access to clarify doubts about protocols, flows, references in the state, available medications. The pilot study took place in the Xingú - Pa health region, due to its epidemiological importance, being one of the most important notifiers of ACL in the state, according to SINAN - PA, and with the particularity of being the region with the largest territorial extension of the country, having many patients in remote areas of care. Thus, it is believed that a digital booklet will help professionals by minimizing the risks of complications, aggravation and death of patients undergoing ATL treatment.




How to Cite

Vilhena Guimarães, S. do S. de, Cavalcante dos Santos, V. R., Nunes, S. F., Neto, S. S., Costa, M. de S., Lima Chaves, N. M. de, Uchôa, T. L. do A., Oliveira, E. M., Santos Jacinto, R. R. dos, Oliveira Rupf, J. M. de, Ribeiro, E. de C., Souza, E. D. de, Castilho, C. C. M., Costa, C. F. da, Espírito Santo Cunha, T. de O. do, Peixoto, I. V. P., de Oliveira, T. S. O., Guimarães, A. W., Santos Rodrigues, L. das G., … Souza Carneiro, I. C. do R. (2022). Morbimortality in American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in the Xingú region – Pará: Elaboration of a digital booklet for health professionals. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(12).