Development of a New Layout for Serial Labels to Reduce Interruptions in TV Lines Caused by Difficulty Reading Barcodes


  • Elias Rodriuges
  • Jandecy Cabral Leite
  • Marcelo Maia do Nascimento


Leitura do código de barras, Eficiência, Eficácia, Retrabalho


With the advent of new technologies and the growing market demand, companies have been looking for ways to improve the efficiency of their production processes, introducing innovations from the elimination of waste, reduction of rework and incongruity of information due to manual data entry . The objective of this article is to demonstrate that it is possible to mitigate or eliminate stoppages in the TV production process, caused by difficulty in reading barcodes printed on a thermal transfer printer, with intelligent and innovative solutions supported by quality tools. In the search for the resolution of these problems, this work was developed in three chapters. Chapter I begins with an introduction that presents the problem to be dealt with, what types of bar codes are adopted in the company, addresses the quality tools that were used as support in the search for the solution of the problem and also the general objective and the specifics that were defined by the researchers. Chapter II briefly presents the methodology that was applied for the development of this work, the concept of efficiency and effectiveness in the production system, details the quality tools used (PDCA, Brainstorming, 5 Whys, Ishikawa Diagram, 5W2H) to find a viable solution to the problem being addressed. It discusses the most used types of bar codes, two-dimensional and linear, among others, their structural compositions, the encoding and decoding processes, the check digit and the methods that cover the detection of incorrect typing. Chapter III presents a proposed solution for the company, based on a vastly detailed analysis of the flowchart of each area involved in the printing process and the use of barcode labels, the materials used in the printing process, which information systems are used as well as the layout and method used for printing. The result of this study tends to contribute to other enterprises that have similar bar code printing processes, since its application aims to reduce or eliminate line stops, acting directly on the bar code failures that cause so much stoppages. line, demonstrating that disruptive thinking associated with intelligent change contributes positively to the company's results by improving process and information flow, contributing to increased efficiency and reduced rework.




How to Cite

Rodriuges, E., Leite, J. C., & Nascimento, M. M. do. (2023). Development of a New Layout for Serial Labels to Reduce Interruptions in TV Lines Caused by Difficulty Reading Barcodes. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(12).