Legal Education – An analysis of the teacher / student Relationship in the teaching Learning Process


  • Manuel Gomes da Silva
  • Monica Mota Tassigny


Teacher-student relationship, Legal teaching, Pedagogical mediation


With the COVID-19 pandemic, the teacher-student relationship faces the challenge of giving new meaning to the teaching-learning process. Thus, it isproposed to analyze the pedagogical mediation as a strategy capable of favoring the teaching-learning processes in Law, in times of complexity. The teacher-student relationship should favor the student's curiosity and creativity in an environment that favors the perception of meanings and senses. It is a bibliographic and documentary, qualitative and exploratory research. It appears that the teacher-mediator must validate previously obtained knowledge and favor collaborative processes, which encourage critical thinking in the student and favor the development of their protagonism.




How to Cite

Silva, M. G. da, & Tassigny, M. M. (2023). Legal Education – An analysis of the teacher / student Relationship in the teaching Learning Process. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(12).