A Secured Frame Work for Searching and Sharing of Datain Cloud Based Services using IoT


  • Dhanabal Thirumoorthy
  • Tucha Kedir
  • Rabira Geleta
  • Abdul Kadir


The internet technologies evolved many new innovations in communication technologies for searching and sharing data over the IoT. The importance of both software and hardware technologies became an important for the service providers and users as well. Searching and data sharing is contemporary task for the services providers because security aspects. Efficient searching and secured data sharing is an open issue till now. Information leakage costs more for the organizations. In this paper we proposes an efficient frame work for secured cloud based services where the data can shared among multiple devices of IoT. Our scheme allows all smart devices interact and share data among users in Internet of Things securely. We also attempted to develop a useful searching mechanism for having required data by the users over distributed storage domains to share. We conducted an abundant survey and study them in depth for better improvement of our work.







How to Cite

Thirumoorthy, D., Kedir, T., Geleta, R., & Kadir, A. (2019). A Secured Frame Work for Searching and Sharing of Datain Cloud Based Services using IoT. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(6). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/595