Evaluation of the development of competences in radiology and diagnostic imaging in a cross-sectional study in a medical graduation


  • Daniel Lucas Costa Monteiro
  • Juliane Costa Santos
  • Guilherme Alves da Silva
  • Alicia Renata Sales da Conceição
  • Kelyane Oliveira Lima
  • Samuel da Silva Ribeiro
  • Emanuel da Silva Ribeiro
  • Francisco Miguel da Silva Freitas
  • Marivaldo de Moraes e Silva
  • José Ricardo Medeiros Carodoso
  • Lucian Herlan da Costa Luz Fernandes
  • Lara Rosa Cardoso e Carodoso
  • Adriane Raposo Ponte
  • Pedro Thiago Malcher de Amorim Dias
  • Camylla Rebecca Bezerra de Aragão
  • João Claudio Martins Rodrigues
  • Giovanna Vieira Costa
  • Gabriel Carvalho de Oliveira
  • Gabriela de Barros Melo
  • Marco Davi de Souza
  • Caroline Cabral Lorenzoni
  • Yorhanna de Moraes Carodoso
  • Tainá Marques de Sousa Ferreira
  • Hanna Kainã Rocha de Souza Adão
  • Maria Jéssica Alves Pinheiro
  • Maria Fernanda de Sousa Vintura
  • Enaile Dias Ponte
  • Manuela Ferraz de Souza Monteiro
  • Antônia Eduarda Moreira Ferreira
  • Joely Lúcia de Souza Rodrigues
  • Priscila Anne Monteiro Guimarães
  • Lídia Maria Costa Oliva
  • Lanna Marques Santos
  • Glayr Gonçalves de Freitas Mendes
  • Karen Margarete Vieira da Silva Franco
  • Vera Lúcia Lameira Picanço


Medical Education, Radiology, Teaching


To assess the development of skills by medical students in radiology and diagnostic imaging in a cross-sectional way in undergraduate medicine in an integrated and interdisciplinary curriculum. This is a quantitative, analytical, and expository cross-sectional study, through the application of a structured questionnaire on the radiological themes developed in the axis that has as practical support the Morphofunctional Laboratory, with students from the 1st, 5th and 8th semester of the medical course at the Centro Universitário Metropolitano da Amazônia (UNIFAMAZ), Belém, PA – Brazil. For the elaboration of the result of the present study, the analysis of 93 applied questionnaires was used, respecting the selection criterion, in which the questionnaire should contain the Free and Informed Consent Term duly completed and signed, of which 15 already had a previous graduation. The students at each end of the application of the questionnaire were more confident during the semesters, represented by the increasing average of correct answers over the semesters, and, in this way, corroborating the evolution of the students in the resolution and reasoning of the proposed questions. The information obtained from the medical students evaluated in the study corroborate that problem-based learning facilitates and assists in the process of obtaining knowledge, through the morphofunctional components of the course used to approach radiology and diagnostic imaging with a view multidimensional in addition to the role of complementary examination methods.




How to Cite

Monteiro, D. L. C., Santos, J. C., Silva, G. A. da, da Conceição, A. R. S., Lima, K. O., Ribeiro, S. da S., Ribeiro, E. da S., Silva Freitas, F. M. da, Silva, M. de M. e, Carodoso, J. R. M., Luz Fernandes, L. H. da C., e Carodoso, L. R. C., Ponte, A. R., de Amorim Dias, P. T. M., de Aragão, C. R. B., Rodrigues, J. C. M., Costa, G. V., Oliveira, G. C. de, Melo, G. de B., … Picanço, V. L. L. (2023). Evaluation of the development of competences in radiology and diagnostic imaging in a cross-sectional study in a medical graduation. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 10(1). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/6004