A Novel Steganographic Approach for Embedding Secret Text in Multiple Images with Saw Tooth Pattern


  • B. Elangovan
  • Tucha Kedir
  • Rabira GeletaIbsa
  • Yonas Biruku Addis


Steganography is the science of sending the data secretly with the use of effective carrier. The ultimate focus of steganography is to hide the secret data from eavesdroppers. At the same time, this approach should keep the carrier medium's quality and it should be hard to hack the information by the eavesdroppers. This paper introduces a novel approach to embed the secret text in multiple image files as frame by frame. Initially the encrypted secret text will be split in to multiple frames as per the number of carrier images. Then each frame is rearranged as per Saw tooth pattern to increase the complexity for the eavesdroppers. The rearranged frames with the prefix of frame number will be embedded in carrier images one by one. As the reverse process, the receiver receives the set of Stego-images and the system will collect all the frames from the stego-images and arrange as per the frame order, then it decrypts using the secret key and produce the secret text.







How to Cite

Elangovan, B., Kedir, T., GeletaIbsa, R., & Addis, Y. B. (2019). A Novel Steganographic Approach for Embedding Secret Text in Multiple Images with Saw Tooth Pattern. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(6). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/602