The use of Sodium Bicarbonate Inhaled Solution in Moderate/Severe Cases of Covid-19 in the City of Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil


  • Beatriz Bispo do Carmo
  • Giovanna Bernardi Gonçalves Oliveira
  • Juliana Emanuele Menezes
  • Jaqueline Lopes de Melo
  • Lorena Moreira Neves
  • Claudia de Arruda Nascimento
  • Paola da Silva Ruiz de Lima
  • Carmen Sandra Mequi
  • Fernanda Coelho de Oliveira
  • Sabrina Rodrigues de Matos
  • Josiane Montovani Bertolin Camargo
  • Leticia Furtado Assis
  • Cydia de Menezes Furtado
  • Cirley Maria de Oliveira Lobato
  • Angélica Bento de Almeida
  • Carolina Pontes Soares


COVID-19, Indigenous, Acute Respiratory Syndrome, Nebulization


On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the new Coronavirus a pandemic, due to the large number of cases and deaths worldwide. The upper inhalation routes are the gateway for any viral variant, with the installation of SAR-CoV-2 in the respiratory epithelium, which, belonging to the Coronovidae family, has an acidic pH. Alkalization is a way to destabilize the pathophysiology of COVID-19. In this way, the introduction of saline solutions into the upper respiratory system would be a way of interfering with the symptomatology and behavior of the virus. Objective: To evaluate the role of inhaled 3% sodium bicarbonate solution in improving respiratory symptoms and destabilizing SAR-CoV-2 in COVID-19. Materials and methods: Randomized clinical trial, with people diagnosed with COVID-19 through the RT-PCR assay. The participants included were of any age and gender undergoing hospital treatment at the COVID-19 ward unit at the Hospital Regional Doutor Estácio Muniz, located in the municipality of Aquidauana in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, between September/2020 and November/2021. Results: It was observed that moderate/severe patients who received inhaled treatment with a 3% sodium bicarbonate solution had a good prognosis for their respiratory condition, progressing to hospital discharge. Conclusion: Treatment with sodium bicarbonate solution has a high potential in the treatment as an adjunct to COVID-19.







How to Cite

Carmo, B. B. do, Gonçalves Oliveira, G. B., Menezes, J. E., Melo, J. L. de, Neves, L. M., Nascimento, C. de A., Lima, P. da S. R. de, Mequi, C. S., Oliveira, F. C. de, Matos, S. R. de, Bertolin Camargo, J. M., Assis, L. F., Furtado, C. de M., Lobato, C. M. de O., Almeida, A. B. de, & Soares, C. P. (2023). The use of Sodium Bicarbonate Inhaled Solution in Moderate/Severe Cases of Covid-19 in the City of Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 10(3).