PBL in the development and stability control of an UAV with interdisciplinarity between digital control and computer assisted design


  • Afonso Henriques Fontes Neto Segundo
  • Joel Sotero da Cunha Neto
  • Reginaldo Florencio da Silva
  • Halisson Alves de Oliveira
  • Lucas de Abrantes Marques
  • Lucas Salvador Bernardo


Considering the difficulty of the members of the engineering courses in applying theoretical knowledge in practical situations, the proposals of Project-Based Learning (PBL) and experimental materials aim to expose the student to the professional reality applying the theoretical knowledge learned in the classroom and laboratories of experiments. Applying ABP in the discipline of Digital Control, it was proposed that the students develop a drone, a technology that for their implementation needs the application of the knowledge of digital control, electronics, mechanics, programming and modeling in Computer Aided Design (CAD) software. At the end are presented the results that the project has brought to the learning of the disciplines on the optics of the tutor and students.







How to Cite

Segundo, A. H. F. N., Neto, J. S. da C., Silva, R. F. da, Oliveira, H. A. de, Marques, L. de A., & Bernardo, L. S. (2019). PBL in the development and stability control of an UAV with interdisciplinarity between digital control and computer assisted design. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(6). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/614