Process sequence optimization and structural analysis of nanoscale heterostructure using compound semiconductors AlAsSb/In0.59Ga0.41As/GaAs0.53Sb0.47


  • Jayprakash Vijay
  • Divya Bharadwaj
  • Amit Rathi


MBE, Quantum well, Heterostructure, Compound Semiconductor


In this work, the process sequence optimization for double quantum well structure with compound materials AlAsSb/In0.59Ga0.41As/GaAs0.53Sb0.47 is discussed for fabrication purposes. The optimized parameters of the sequences are selected based on the literature study of the materials properties, nanoscale engineering and MBE growth parameters. The thickness of the material layers in the heterostructure is under our control. This is a significant benefit of heterostructures for device construction. In order for uniform epitaxial growth of ternary material AlAsSb, InGaAs and GaAsSb, the deposition time is chosen very slow i.e. 0.5 micrometers per hour during the process in the MBE.




How to Cite

Vijay, J., Bharadwaj, D., & Rathi, A. (2023). Process sequence optimization and structural analysis of nanoscale heterostructure using compound semiconductors AlAsSb/In0.59Ga0.41As/GaAs0.53Sb0.47. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 10(2).