Lean Manufacturing Application on Balancing of Mounting Line in a Company of the Two-Wheeled Pole of Manaus-Amazon Industrial Pole


  • Eloisa da Silva e Silva
  • Marden Eufrasio dos Santos
  • David Barbosa de Alencar


In an assembly line system, raw material enters and progressively moves through a series of workstations while being transformed into the desired product. The production line balancing aims through effective activities and actions to ensure a continuous and level production, providing maximum productivity and efficiency while maintaining the proper work rhythm of the production process and avoiding wastage. Apply the balancing method in the processes that indicate difficulties to be accomplished, eliminate bottlenecks in the assembly line; increase the productivity indexes of the motorcycle production sector; measure the time of activities performed on the production line; analyze different methods, theoretical and practical balancing assembly production continuous model; improvements in Lean Manufacturing. The data collection was done through observation and documentation of the times of each job, in order to generate data to analyze productivity losses due to movements that do not add value or process poorly distributed. From these data, it was possible to observe that the poor distribution of the cycle times of some employees was outside the standard time of the assembly line, under such complexity, it was proposed to provide a new balance in the processes. In this way, it is possible to infer that the division of equal activities decreases the production cycle time in the stations and improves the productivity of the line.







How to Cite

Silva, E. da S. e, Santos, M. E. dos, & Alencar, D. B. de. (2019). Lean Manufacturing Application on Balancing of Mounting Line in a Company of the Two-Wheeled Pole of Manaus-Amazon Industrial Pole. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(6). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/626