Helping hands - Job Hiring System for Specially Abled People


  • Amruta Mankawade
  • Ishan Gawali
  • Shreyas Manwadkar
  • Vaishnavi Chaudhari
  • Priti Patil
  • Harshada Giri


Behavior analysis, job hiring, personality, personality detection, recommendation engine, specially abled


Employment of the specially abled has become a serious issue now-a-days. As the specially fit people have a chance to work there should be a fair chance for disabled people also. In today's competitive climate, people tend to have higher levels of education, which may result in fewer career opportunities being offered to them. Even the greatest in their industries are desired by the companies. Finding persons who are intelligent enough to be hired then becomes challenging. The task of the need for businesses to locate individuals who can meet their standards grows. To tackle these problems and make the work more straightforward, one could consider adopting a method. There are people who want to work but they are not reaching the appropriate place where they can work without any problem. To solve this issue and to help specially abled to find jobs where they can work easily this system is developed.







How to Cite

Mankawade, A., Gawali, I., Manwadkar, S., Chaudhari, V., Patil, P., & Giri, H. (2023). Helping hands - Job Hiring System for Specially Abled People. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 10(5).