Physico-Environmental Characterization of the Micro Basin Contributing to Fazenda Nova’s (Goiás) Public Water Supply


  • Fernando Ernesto Ucker
  • Nádia Liley Rodrigues


A study of the physical and environmental characteristics of a river basin is crucial for advances in environmental management and plans aimed at managing and guaranteeing quality adequate to its use in the public water supply system. Hence, this study set out to undertake a physico-environmental characterization of the drainage basin of the Grande river, which contributes to supplying water to the municipality of Fazenda Nova, Goiás. The result could help monitor the availability and quality of the water and action for the recovery and preservation of areas at risk or degraded. The drainage area extended over 8.64 km² with a 14 km perimeter. The predominant soils in the hydrographic basin are Red Argisol and Quartzarenic Neosol. Morphometric characteristics, soil type, land use and cover and altimetry all indicate warning signals for physical and environmental quality. They also indicate that mitigating measures be undertaken, involving revegetation of land cover and the adoption of plans for land use and soil cover in the area under study.







How to Cite

Ucker, F. E., & Rodrigues, N. L. (2019). Physico-Environmental Characterization of the Micro Basin Contributing to Fazenda Nova’s (Goiás) Public Water Supply. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(6).