Facing dengue and malaria as a public health challenge in Brazil


  • Wuelison Lelis de Oliveira
  • Pâmella Polastry Braga Amaral
  • Jessíca Reco Cruz
  • Robcharles Rodrigues de Oliveira
  • Laís Rayane Soares de Freitas
  • Thainara Bento Deziderio
  • Maria Eduarda Santos Patez
  • Claudinei Crescencio De Barros
  • Alexandre Andreatta Felle
  • Patrícia Batista da Silva
  • Valéria Aparecida dos Anjos
  • Karolaine Santos de Oliveira
  • Vívian Gonçalves Bernardes


Public Helt, Arbovirus Infeccion, Dengue, Malaria


The present study seeks to analyze through the literature the main challenges in facing dengue and malaria in Brazil. This is an integrative literature review, which presented a synthesis of the results obtained through published literature research as an argument for the results obtained. The occurrence of malaria in Brazil, especially in the states of Amazonas and Pará, is due to the context of occupation of the region, from the 1970s, triggering an increase in the migratory flow of the region and consequently, disorderly urban expansion. Dengue is considered an urban disease because of the ease with which the mosquito can reproduce and transmit the infection to humans. It is necessary to expand the efforts and public policies already in place to control vectors, in addition to improving the conditions of the determinants and conditioning factors of health, such as infrastructure for waste collection and disposal and basic sanitation.







How to Cite

Oliveira, W. L. de, Amaral, P. P. B., Cruz, J. R., de Oliveira, R. R., de Freitas, L. R. S., Deziderio, T. B., Patez, M. E. S., Barros, C. C. D., Felle, A. A., Silva, P. B. da, Anjos, V. A. dos, Oliveira, K. S. de, & Bernardes, V. G. (2023). Facing dengue and malaria as a public health challenge in Brazil. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 10(7). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/6480